Monday, August 14, 2006

hoo boy

Another summer on its way outta here! Why do they go so fast? The boys and I have a list we made - seems like yesterday, but it was really the first of June - of all the things we would like to do of a summer. Seems like last week we were dreaming of and having everlasting conversations about that fresh spring air, of leaving the house without a jacket and sleeping in - every day rolling out in front of us with no plans, no committments. Yesterday, I caught the whisper of fall in the air. How can this be? Although our list is mostly completed, we haven't done each item ENOUGH! There's more to do, dang it! Why did we waste so many days saying, "It's too hot out!" Or, "Before we do anything we have to clean up around here!" I don't want school to start. I like these days where my boys are MY boys and our time is our own. Just like summer, I can see these little boys slipping away. Unlike summer, which will be back - my little boys won't be back. They are slipping away for good - turning into giant, huge boys, and then teenagers and then young men. Is it just me, or does time speed up the more I try to slow thngs down? Hey, I'm outta here too! We have things to do.


At 8/17/2006 05:08:00 PM , Blogger cyndi (dynthia) said...

I know exactly how you feel-- time is just slipping away too quickly isn't it? Mine start school on the 21st of August. It just gets earlier and earlier here every year, then a little bit later for the summer release. I figured it out though - it's so the teachers can have 5 extra 'in-service' days each year. It's certainly not for possible snow days because they never give those up!


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