What happened here?
Wow! I don’t post for a couple of months, and a few strangers showed up! To be honest, I had actually forgotten that I have this page book marked. I admit it! You do know that they say the mind is the first thing to go.
I see that everyone has made it through the holidays. I wanted to come up so bad but the car did not cooperate and we were stuck getting repairs done and are still awaiting a new rim for the front tire as Bob ran over a Grand Canyon sized pothole with it recently and the car does this wacky little dance as it goes down the road. Can you say, “Unsafe???”
I enjoyed all of the family photos I saw this year for Christmas. I think that this year, I will have to send out a family photo as well. Maybe I will just send one randomly, and surprise you all!
I gained a new, old, friend this past year, in my cousin Kelly. I ran across him on Yahoo 360 one day and found that my OLD cousin isn’t really so old after all.. Isn’t it funny how we all catch up to each other at a certain point? I never really know our cousin when we are kids. He just seemed so much more… mature? Nah! Old to us all! Hee hee!
Now I am happy to see the snow finally on the ground here. I have been so depressed of late with the endless cold, the brown trees, the brown grass, the brown mud, the cloudy skies. Now that just adds up to a b.o.r.I.n.g. winter. So we have been outside playing and having fun. I keep telling the kids that this piddly amount of snow is NOTHING compared to what we used to play in as kids. How deep do you remember the snow being?
Keep warm -- I’m still holding out for summer!
Love to all-- Cyndi
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