Thursday, August 17, 2006

Yes, I'm still around...

Hey everyone-- it's been quite a long while since I have posted so here is the latest update:
Michael is now in 2nd grade and has turned 8 (he thinks that he looks like he is 9 though!)myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

Samantha is going into the first grade and is now 6 (she thinks that she looks like she is six!) and has lost her two bottom front teeth recently!
myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

I am still toiling away as a quality auditor for Keystone RV but lucky break for me! I got my transfer to the new one right down the road in Howe. Only 7 miles away! Yippeee!!! Bob on the other hand is on his 6th (yes, 6th!!!) job this year. And he is already looking for number 7. Lucky me. Sigh... I think it is ADD -- no, seriously.
This summer has gone entirely too quickly for me. It seems that the older the kids get, the faster the time goes -- I can relate with "W" on that one as I am sure that you all can! It has been so very busy throughout the summer as well with so much going on with the kids, visitors, friends, family, and on and on and on... One high point for Michael and Samantha: They just returned from a week long trip to the UP with Mom and Dad. They had a blast but I did not! I missed them soooo bad and as soon as they got home I told them that they are not allowed to go for that long again until they are 30 respectively.
That is the news that is news in my corner. A couple of notes for you though: Kimberly has joined the Air Force and is getting ready for Basic Training soon (we have no date yet), and Zachary is going to Afghanastan in December eith the 87th Airborne. Both are excited (!?) about the changes in their lives and so I must be excited for them, but I am so worried for Zach. Just keep praying for them. Anne and Don are in Grand Rapids now and Tami is getting ready to back to G.R. with a friend as well. They still have that brand new house for sale in Grand Blanc if you are looking for a change of scenery...
Take care all-- Hugs-- cyn
myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

Monday, August 14, 2006

hoo boy

Another summer on its way outta here! Why do they go so fast? The boys and I have a list we made - seems like yesterday, but it was really the first of June - of all the things we would like to do of a summer. Seems like last week we were dreaming of and having everlasting conversations about that fresh spring air, of leaving the house without a jacket and sleeping in - every day rolling out in front of us with no plans, no committments. Yesterday, I caught the whisper of fall in the air. How can this be? Although our list is mostly completed, we haven't done each item ENOUGH! There's more to do, dang it! Why did we waste so many days saying, "It's too hot out!" Or, "Before we do anything we have to clean up around here!" I don't want school to start. I like these days where my boys are MY boys and our time is our own. Just like summer, I can see these little boys slipping away. Unlike summer, which will be back - my little boys won't be back. They are slipping away for good - turning into giant, huge boys, and then teenagers and then young men. Is it just me, or does time speed up the more I try to slow thngs down? Hey, I'm outta here too! We have things to do.